During freshman orientation at Trinity, every freshman goes up the steps of Murchison Tower to see signatures on each brick of all of the past seniors. It is tradition at Trinity that every senior donate a sum of money to sign a brick in Murchison Tower. The sum of money raised by each class is donated to providing a scholarship for an entering freshman, giving another person the opportunity to enjoy Trinity.
Since I transferred to Trinity my second semester in college, I did not get the opportunity to go up the steps of Murchison Tower. Everyday I hear the tower's bell and everyday I see the tower when driving up to campus, but I always wonder what the journey up it is like. An experience that has probably been forgotten by many students at Trinity is a dream that is played in my head almost everyday. I have grown to love my university which is why I am so passionate about experiencing all I can while still here. My donation of $20.10 (the year I'm graduating) will be one of the happiest expenses I will ever make. Murchison Tower will be climbed by me and my signature (as bad as it is) will be on my brick forever.
Thanks for including this info in your blog. Since I am new to TU, I did not know about this tradition.