As a college student, I am no stranger to staying up all night to start and finish work that was assigned to me months before. Each student has their own method of staying awake to finish work. Some look to drinks with caffeine like Monster or Redbull to get their boost for the night, but I have found that if I chew gum while working it will keep me up. When I was a freshman, I had access to Beze Underground, a computer lab on campus, and the lighting in that lab was ideal for pulling all-nighters. Each computer had a light just above my head on the wall facing me which would help keep me awake. Now that I'm a junor, for whatever reason, I do not have access to that lab, so I'm forced to do work in the Murchison lab. The lighting in Murchison is not ideal. It's not dim, but the room has more of an artificial light look than most. I have a harder time staying awake in Murchison because of the lighting.
Although we all know it would be best for our health and quality of work to not put things off until the last minute, it's going to happen. As a student taking 18 hours and working part-time, sometimes there's jut no other chance to get work done. I can't imagine what life would be like if I was still in football. In closing, student life at Trinity is a controlled chaos and that's why we're the best. TU!
Although we all know it would be best for our health and quality of work to not put things off until the last minute, it's going to happen. As a student taking 18 hours and working part-time, sometimes there's jut no other chance to get work done. I can't imagine what life would be like if I was still in football. In closing, student life at Trinity is a controlled chaos and that's why we're the best. TU!
Great graphic. I have pulled many all-nighters. Your title is very creative.